Create Sizzling Packaging Copy for Your Beauty Brand with These Simple Tips

Create Sizzling Packaging Copy for Your Beauty Brand with These Simple Tips

When you design the packaging for your beauty products, it’s not enough to just look great. Your packaging also has to inspire people to buy your product. 

Creating compelling packaging copy will do just that—motivate people to buy with just a few words. That’s where the copy comes into play. It’s also where many brands get tripped up. 

Many new brands struggle to create great packaging copy. It’s hard to know what to say and how to say it. But with a few strategies, you’ll be on your way to writing sizzling packaging copy for your beauty brand, and increasing your sales along with it. 

Showcase Your USP

Your packaging copy is a great place to showcase your unique selling point. What makes your product or brand special? Highlighting that on your packaging will help your products stand out. 

The beauty industry is competitive. When buyers look through the aisle, they have their choice of lipsticks, moisturizers, mascaras, and more. The only way to stand out is to show right away how you’re different from the rest. 

Tula Skincare does this well. Their USP is that they use superfoods and probiotics in their skincare products to make the skin healthier. Their products all have “probiotics & superfoods” written on the front of the package. You can tell right away what sets them apart. 

Keep it Short

Long-form copy does not belong on your packaging. You have limited space, and even more limited time to catch a buyer’s eye.  

Your packaging copy is basically a mini-billboard that can advertise your product. Shoppers are cruising by and you need to grab their attention right away. 

When consumers are making split-second decisions, you need to convince them very quickly to buy your product. Stick with short sentences and phrases that draw them in. 

Make it Clear

If there’s one thing your packaging copy should never be, it’s confusing. Since you’re operating with a small amount of copy, it’s even more important than ever to make your message clear and focused. 

Buyers aren’t going to spend time trying to figure out what your product is. They’re just going to go on to the next product. They should be able to tell right away what your product does and who it’s for. 

Tell a Story

The key element of successful packaging copy is engagement. A great brand story is a perfect way to engage customers. Your entire brand story might not belong on your package, but you can share a condensed version of your story or your mission. 

Myro Deodorant does a great job of incorporating their company’s mission into their packaging. On the box it says, “Deodorant You Can Feel Good About,” followed by a few bullet points that highlight their mission to produce a healthy product that’s good for the environment. 

Buyers want to see something that comes from real people with similar values to them. If you can find a way to share your mission or story with buyers on your packaging, you can build trust right away. 

Focus on the Benefits

All good copywriters know one very important truth—successful copy focuses on the reader, not the product. 

Even though you want to be clear about what your product is, you can still put the focus on what your product does for the customer. 

Does your product tame frizzy hair so your buyer can have smooth, flowing locks? Will it moisturize their skin and make them feel healthier and younger? Think about the problems your ideal buyer wants solved and how your product solves them, or how they’ll feel when they use your product. Paint that picture with your words!

Drive an Action

Many beauty brands miss the opportunity to include a call to action in their packaging copy. This is a great place to drive people to your website, blog, or social media pages. You can use wording such as “For tips and tutorials, visit..” or “See our full product line at…” You can even entice them by offering exclusive discounts or promos if they visit your site. 

Get Creative (With a Purpose)

A common rule of thumb for copy is to avoid creativity in favor of clarity. Clarity definitely takes precedence. But packaging copy is the one place where you should also try to be creative. 

Creative copy on your packaging is a great way to show your brand’s uniqueness and highlight your personality. The beauty brand Anatomicals nails creative copy in their packaging. Each of their products has a quippy name like “Puffy the Eye Bag Slayer” for their under-eye patches to their “Stop Cracking Up” lip balm.

It works because it’s purposeful and funny. Their puns show what their products do. They didn’t sacrifice clear copy for creativity. It makes them a very memorable company. 

If you can incorporate creative copy without being confusing or overly cheesy, you’ll stand out from the crowd and be memorable, which is always a marketing win. 

Put it All Together

The design of your packaging copy draws the consumer’s eye first, but your copy is what drives the sale. You need to put the same consideration into your copy that you do into your design. 

With your packaging copy, always remember to be clear, purposeful, and find a way to stand out from the rest of the products that are similar to yours. 
If you’re just getting started with a beauty business and need more tips, Learn How to Launch a Beauty Product can help. It covers every aspect of starting a beauty business, from creating a solid foundation and getting funding to manufacturing, branding, sales, and marketing. Learn more about the course here.

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